Ruwàh Consulting

On your side to catalyse successful missions

For space companies eager to develop
For non-space organisations needing space expertise
For aspiring space countries looking for strategy and training


Space industry expertise

Space programme management

We support your team leveraging our experience in managing space programmes. We facilitate connexions and strategic conversations.

Ground segment architecture design

We guide you to build your own Mission Operations Centre (infrastructure, processes, tools, software architecture, resources, licenses, insurances...), with a vision for the long term (development roadmap).
We can support your ground station network trade-off and compatibility tests.

Satellite in-orbit operations preparation

We support your mission operations concept definition with a perspective of “Design to in-orbit operations”.
We tailor detailed definition of preparatory works for in-orbit LEOP, commissioning, mission operations & end of life phases. Learn from our experience!

Licenses for satellite operations

We advise, oversee or drive for you the licensing process to satisfy your nation's requirements.
We offer a unique cost-effective frequency filing solution involving renown niche experts.

Project engineering services


Complex project management

We become (or support) your project manager with a strong engineering background to best manage risks & dependencies.
We can also manage suppliers, support contract negociations, assist in proposal writing.

Engineering oversight

Using expertise above or wider experience of defining & managing space missions, we come alongside you to secure your project from definition to orbit and to empower your team. We act as technical appraiser to share insights, train, guide, inform & review tasks and pass on knowledge & know-how.
Our assistance includes an active participation to progress meetings & design reviews.

Space & ground systems engineering

We help defining your space project, bringing a realistic perspective and assisting your scope of work definition & supplier selection.
We can support you with ad-hoc feasibility studies, mission analysis & concept definition, product trade-off, technology auditing, complex process mapping & streamining.

Business Developpment support

ground station

Proposal writing & bid management

We support your BD team with their commercial effort in winning competitive bids. We leverage engineering & programme management experience to deliver realistic proposals centred around your strenghts and uniqueness.

Market analysis & commercial support

We work with you to mature a product or a space application, based on market needs and trends. We explore new markets and consolidate your sales pipeline.

Strategic development roadmap definition

We work with you to define a product development strategy and a risk-mitigated development plan.

Organisations we have proudly served

Lead consulant's profile


Baptiste is a senior Space Mission consultant. He is ideally positioned to come alongside organisations as they seek to grow or formalise their engineering skills, manage complex projects or to ensure successful supplier deliveries with a strong technical & programmatic oversight.

Appreciated by his peers & former employers, Baptiste has a technical background in innovative / complex design & development as senior Space Systems Engineer. Within AAC Clyde Space, he built the Satellite Operations department up to a working dozen people multidisciplinary team, directed the strategic development of the Mission Operation Center (infrastructure, capabilities, processes & regulatory aspects) and managed ongoing complex engineering space missions in LEO.

Baptiste also has a keen interest on Business strategy and entrepreneurship. He was on the advisory board of an early-stage firm in the marine energy sector (2018-2021), assisting its growth from 1 to 8 FTE, and bringing a “measured, pragmatic and intellectually informed voice” (dixit the Founder). He has completed a Business Leadership training and volunteered for over a decade with a global business organisation at national and international board level.

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